Tesla 上海工廠累計產量已突破 100 萬輛


SHANGHAI, Oct. 19, 2020 -- Photo taken on Oct. 19, 2020 shows the Tesla China-made Model 3 vehicles which will be exported to Europe at Waigaoqiao port in Shanghai, east China, Oct. 19, 2020. U.S. carmaker Tesla announced on Monday that it would export the made-in-China Model 3 to Europe, marking another important milestone for its Shanghai Gigafactory. 
   The first batch of exported sedans will leave Shanghai next Tuesday and arrive at the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium at the end of November before being sold in European countries, including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland. (Photo by Wang Xiang/Xinhua via Getty) (Xinhua/Wang Xiang via Getty Images)

許多人都知道上海超級工廠對 Tesla 意義重大,但其實際重要到什麼程度?Elon Musk 新發的推文應該能讓你有一個比較清楚的判斷。這位公司大佬不久前祝賀上海工廠的第 100 萬輛車正式下線,也就是說在短短不到 3 年的時間內(還要算上之前上海封城長時間的停擺)Tesla 上海就實現了這一里程碑。與此同時 Musk 亦透露公司至今為止的總產量已超過了 300 萬輛,除上海廠外,絕大部分的產能仍是由美國費利蒙的工廠貢獻。

不過以上海超級工廠目前的產能增速來估算,超過費利蒙成為領頭羊應該指日可待。未來隨著德州柏林工廠的成長,過去長久困擾 Tesla 的生產問題應該能得到比較好的改善了。