

Expedition 66 NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei is carried to a medical tent shortly after he and fellow crew mates Pyotr Dubrov and Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos landed in their Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Vande Hei and Dubrov are returning to Earth after logging 355 days in space as members of Expeditions 64-66 aboard the International Space Station. For Vande Hei, his mission is the longest single spaceflight by a U.S. astronaut in history. Shkaplerov is returning after 176 days in space, serving as a Flight Engineer for Expedition 65 and commander of Expedition 66. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

俄羅斯太空署負責人 Dmitry Rogozin 日前對外表示,在西方各國取消對俄的制裁前,該國將不會參與涉及 NASA 等西方機構的國際太空站合作。「這些制裁的目的是為了扼殺俄羅斯的經濟,使我們的人民陷入絕望和飢餓。很顯然這不會成功,但對方的意圖是十分明確的。」Rogozin 說道,「這就是為什麼我會相信,唯有全面和無條件地取消非法制裁,才有可能恢復國際太空站和其它計畫合作夥伴間的正常關係。」

Rogozin 和太空署將向俄國當局提交終止與 NASA 等國際太空機構合作的提案,這最終會如何影響到太空站的運作目前還不得而知。雖然太空站並非任何一個國家所有,但俄羅斯負責的軌道部分對整個太空站的導向控制會起到非常關鍵的作用。