Meta 收購智慧眼鏡鏡片製造商 Lexexcel

旨在進一步加強 AR 硬體實力。

CHIBA, JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 15: The Meta Quest booth is seen at the Tokyo Game Show 2022 on September 15, 2022 in Chiba, Japan. The event runs for four days from September 15-18 and takes place for first time in three years, following a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)
CHIBA, JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 15: The Meta Quest booth is seen at the Tokyo Game Show 2022 on September 15, 2022 in Chiba, Japan. The event runs for four days from September 15-18 and takes place for first time in three years, following a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)

Meta 日前證實其已將專攻智慧眼鏡鏡片的荷蘭初創公司 Lexexcel 收至麾下。「我們很高興 Lexexcel 的團隊可以加入 Meta 家庭,這能讓我們雙方原有的合作進一步深化。」在接受 TechCrunch 採訪時 Meta 的代表這麼說道,不過對於交易的金額其並未透露任何細節。

Lexexcel 創立於 2009 年,最初是一家處方鏡片製造商。近年他們因為在 AR 領域取得的發展而為人所熟知,2021 年初其曾與被 Snap 收購的 WaveOptics 進行過合作,後來也有傳言稱 Lexexcel 直接參與了 Meta Project Aria AR 眼鏡的開發。