LG 把防疫隔板變成了點壽司的透明 OLED 螢幕


LG Display is also offering a game-changer to its customers at CES 2021 in a Restaurant Zone, where a sushi bar can utilize a 55-inch Transparent OLED display to deliver information with clear image quality while benefiting from high transparency to maintain a connection between people on both sides of the screen. As guests wait for their order, they can watch a movie or TV program, while at the same time viewing the chef preparing their food on the other side of the display. This innovative product naturally stands out more in the contactless era as it can not only act as a partition but also serve up some fun.

CES 2021 雖然移師線上進行,不過也無阻廠商們繼續藉此機會推出新品。常客 LG Display 更拿出一個非常有趣的點子來為他們的透明 OLED 面板做預熱,就是結合時下上餐廳食飯都一定會看到的防疫隔板了。在 LG Display 的演示中,他們把一片 55 吋的透明 OLED 螢幕放在壽司吧枱上,分隔了食客和壽司師傅,不過客人卻可以在螢幕上預覽壽司的介紹,同時又可以看到師傅在捏壽司的手藝,一舉多得。據 LG Display 的資料,他們這次拿出來的 OLED 面板,有高達 40% 的透明度。

除此之外,這片 55 吋透明 OLED 螢幕,還能成為「智慧型睡床」的一部分,是讓使用者可以躺在床上能夠看到影片,同時又能看到窗外景色。更妙的是,這 OLED 螢幕有內建喇叭功能,毋須再加裝喇叭了。在閒置時,透明螢幕可以隱藏起來,或是顯示天氣和時間等資料之用。

是說,透明 OLED 螢幕技術並非新鮮,但一直要到 2019 年才有實際應用到櫥窗設計,然後就是今年小米的超貴電視。希望相關技術可以更變普及,讓產品設計可以變得更有趣。

LG Display will additionally demonstrate how the company’s 55-inch Transparent OLED display can be applied to a subway train in a Metro Zone. While on board a virtual train carriage, passengers may look outside through the transparent display that has replaced a traditional window. Its high transparency enabled by OLED means passengers can still enjoy the passing scenery while viewing clear information such as subway line maps, weather information, and other news.