German Bionic 發表公司至今最輕的外骨骼裝 Apogee


German Bionic Apogee and/or SafetyVest. The brace one has a woman wearing it while picking a large box out of a wire bin, the vest one is just a guy wearing it and looking directly into camera and there are a bunch more of the cgi line graphs and bar charts and stuff. I don't get this aesthetic at all. The equipment's cool though.
German Bionic Apogee and/or SafetyVest. The brace one has a woman wearing it while picking a large box out of a wire bin, the vest one is just a guy wearing it and looking directly into camera and there are a bunch more of the cgi line graphs and bar charts and stuff. I don't get this aesthetic at all. The equipment's cool though.

曾打造出 Cray X 外骨骼裝的初創公司 German Bionic 在此次 CES 上發表了公司至今為止最輕的商用、工業用外骨骼裝 Apogee,同時亮相的還有能監測用戶並提醒其遵循人體工學的 Smart SafetyVest 智慧安全背心。前者的本體雖然不重,但也能在每次上提動作中為穿戴者的下背部抵銷多達 66 磅(約 30kg)的負荷,且可以提供主動行走輔助來減少用戶疲勞。而新的背心盡管沒法幫你省力,但它會在穿戴者工作時監測其動作和身體位置,並「基於數據和個人化的人體工學需求來進行評估和提出建議。」

two models wearing the exosuit and vest standing against a cgi background with a bunch of graphs and stuff? I dunno. Either way, hope your day's going well.
two models wearing the exosuit and vest standing against a cgi background with a bunch of graphs and stuff? I dunno. Either way, hope your day's going well.

兩款新品都會使用 German Bionic 的 IO 架構來蒐集、監測、分析及上報使用者的人體工學數據,在用戶主動做出不安全動作的時候,其會透過機載顯示和聲音發出警報。「透過 German Bionic 最新的可穿戴裝置,我們能為辛勤工作的人們提供他們需要的工具,是他們能更安全、持久地完成工作。」公司 CPO Norma Steller 在新聞稿中這麼寫道,「全新的人體工學產品 Apogee 和 Smart SafetyVest 以及過去備受好評的 Cray X 可以讓 German Bionic 為任何公司、任何人力工作的環境提供合適的支持。透過 German Bionic 的 IO 數據平台,我們還能為工作場所提供分析人體工學、工作流程的利器。」