Elon Musk:新版 Twitter Blue 認證方案 11 月 29 日重新上線


The Twitter Blue Checkmark is seen in this photo illustration in Warsaw, Poland on 21 September, 2022. Twitter management has announced the introduction of a new verification label to replace the blue check previously given only to verified accounts. As the director of the service, Esther Crawford explains, unlike the blue symbol this one will be gray and it will be free. Twitter management has announced the introduction of a new verification label to replace the blue check previously given only to verified accounts. As the director of the service, Esther Crawford explains, unlike the blue symbol this one will be gray and it will be free. Verified accounts will now have an 'Official' badge under their username, along with a gray verification tag. All previously verified accounts will receive the 'official' check mark which will not be available for purchase and not everyone will be eligible. (Photo by STR/NurPhoto)

在被大量冒名頂替者搞出各種問題後,新版 Twitter Blue 認證方案不得不在短暫上線後被火速叫停。而在經過了幾天的分析、考量後,Elon Musk 現在宣佈其重新上線的日期已被定為 11 月 29 日,而且這次他們會「確保萬無一失」。至於具體有哪些變化,暫時還不得而知。但可以確定的一點是,已經獲得認證的用戶將無法直接修改自己的顯示名稱,只有新名字「經 Twitter 確認符合服務條款後」你才能完成改動。

在新版 Blue 推出後,面對潛在的混亂不少廣告主都已選擇先從平台撤出,這給 Twitter 的收入造成了相當大的打擊。如果想讓他們回來,Musk 這次最好是能真的拿出像樣的改造方案啦。