《Pokémon Go》官方公告展現要「作弊者 Out!」的決心


《Pokémon Go》官方公告展現要「作弊者 Out!」的決心

官方有沒有認真抓作弊者,是影響遊戲熱度的重要元素之一(全境作弊表示:),目前仍然相當熱門的《Pokémon Go》,在上週開始也已經零星地看到了針對作弊者的短暫鎖定帳號的做法,而現在,官方已經正式公告了將如何應付這些可能影響遊戲公平性的作弊者的做法了。根據《Pokémon Go》臉書粉絲專頁的公告內容,官方在檢視過許多遊戲作弊的回報之後,現已正式開始動作,準備開始封鎖這些明顯造成遊戲不公平與濫用的玩家帳號。

「讓《Pokémon Go》的所有玩家可以維持公平、樂趣與正當的遊戲經驗,是我們的最優先處理事項。」至於要如何處置,根據公告內容,這些被官方封鎖的作弊者,將會在被確認違規之後收到系統所寄出的信件。當然,官方還是有提供申訴的機制 -- 如果你真的被誤會的話啦(像小編常常就因為 GPS 飄移被問是否在駕車,但我明明躺在床上啊啊啊)。繼續閱讀有原廠的公告內容與申訴頁面連結。


After reviewing many reports of in-game cheating, we have started taking action against players taking unfair advantage of and abusing Pokémon GO. Moving forward, we will continue to terminate accounts that show clear signs of cheating.
Our main priority with Pokémon GO is to provide a fair, fun, and legitimate game experience for all players. If our system has determined that you cheated, then you will receive an email stating that your account has been terminated.
If you do believe your account has been terminated incorrectly, you should report it to the Pokémon GO Help Center: https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/requests/new...
The Pokémon GO Development Team

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