Computex 2011:東華影像的7吋Android平板

小品牌的Anndroid平板非常多,在Computex時可以看到N個攤位都與這有關。一般來說,小品牌的Android平板,能夠打電話也算是正常,不過我看到的這個還算有個特色,就是具備雙卡雙待的功能。這7吋平板算是新品,據說25日會到貨,但會不會在台灣販售並不是很確定。而這款價位也不便宜,據說要價1萬1。至於硬體規格,現場沒有DM,也沒有特別提到,但效能是比優派那款強一些,也比我手上的第一代Milestone強。不過比三星Galaxy Tab要弱一些。

現場玩了一下,忘了問ROM以及RAM的規格Orz,不過有Android Market,很可惜現場的3G沒辦法好好使用,連登入帳號都有問題。也有問了能不能root,結論是......,真不知道為何都一定要有這樣的限制呀。
At Computex this year we found a lot of non-brand name Android tablets. Many of them can even make calls. This particular tablet by Wanxin Image not only can make calls but has two SIM card slots. There isn't much info available for this tablet but we heard it'll be slightly faster than the Milestone and the Viewpad but slower than the Galaxy Tab.

We had a little hands-on time with this new toy but forgot to get details on ROM and RAM and whether it can be rooted. There is Android Market but we couldn't get a good 3G signal to try it out.


