Computex 2011:展示可在Windows 7底下運作Android的Blue Stacks

在今年Computex的AMD記者會上,Blue Stacks展示了基於x86架構處理器的Android介面,這套系統有趣的地方在於它並非採用雙重開機,而是真正在x86架構下的Windows 7提供Android的介面模擬,Android介面就像是一個全螢幕的軟體一樣,只要點選就能開啟,並且能讓Android的app在x86的環境下運作。Blue Stacks的方案相較其他x86下的Android系統,能夠提供與傳統PC相同的高解析度Android介面,並且可以在兩個不同的界面使用相同的圖片與文件。

Blue Stacks的方案也已經獲得許多廠商的應用,不過Blue Stacks也提到Android在x86架構下,會佔用較多的圖形效能,所以在圖形方面,是建議客戶至少要有AMD E系列APU以上的圖形效能,才能滿足Android在圖形的效能。Blue Stacks也表示,雖然目前是針對ODM以及OEM客戶推出這套x86下的Android,但是近期就會推出給一般Windows 7的使用者的免費版本。
Blue Stacks has an interesting system that simulates Android under Windows 7 on x86 architecture. The simulated Android runs in full screen mode and all files and folders are shared with Windows. This unique solution has been adopted by several companies. However, their system takes up more graphic resources so you will likely need something like the AMD E APU or better. Right now this system is for ODM and OEM only but they will release it for free download soon.