Computex 2011:3G網卡也有要你命三千

以前筆者使用過的 3G 網卡,了不起就是多加個儲存功能,這款名為 "Magic Box" 的 3G 網卡有六項功能:3.5G(HSPA)、SBTVD-T(數位電視)、網路電視、網路廣播、網路小遊戲與隨身碟功能。

這是 AEROMAX (瑩豐)為阿根廷的標案所開發出裝置,台灣目前沒有銷售的計畫。阿根廷數位電視使用的規範是SBTVD-T,網路電視可以收看到2500多個頻道,網路廣播可收到2萬,可玩的網路遊戲則有3千種以上。

Computex 2011: 6 in 1 3G Modem from AEROMAX

This "Magic Box" 3G wireless NIC have got a whole lot of features in one, 3.5G (HSPA), HDTV (SBTVD-T), internet TV, internet radio and internet games. Made by AEROMAX, this particular model is made specifically for Argentinean procurements, so it's in SBTVD-T standard for HDTV. On the internet TV side, there are 2500+ channels to choose from, plus around 20,000 channels for internet radio and 3000+ internet games.