Computex 2011:Opera 展出名為 Web box 的 Android 鍵盤

Opera 也有參加這次的 Computex ,在攤位上他們展示許多以 Opera 為 base 的各種裝置,比較特別的是上圖名為 "Web Box" 的鍵盤,全名為 Vodafone Web Box ,是 Vodafone 為南非地區所開發,跑 Android 2.1 ,並且內建 Opera 瀏覽器,並且有 AV 端子 價格並且不貴,才一百美金出頭,可惜只能吃 3G 訊號(無WiFi),稍微有一點 Eee Keyboard 的感覺 。

另外, Opera 現場還有展出跑 Meego 的平板,一樣也支援 Opera ,只是 Meego 看起來很像半成品就是了。Opera 同時還宣佈桌上型瀏覽器 11.50(Swordfish)釋出 Beta 版,有興趣的人可以去下載體驗一下速度。

跳轉之後可看 Web Box 的展示影片

For this year's Computex, Opera have showcased many Opera-based devices in their showroom. Out of the bunch is one interesting Web Box keyboard. Officially titled "Vodafone Web Box", this 3G only, Android 2.1 based device has built-in Opera browser and A/V connectors. Priced around 100USD, this device is developed by Vodafone for their South Africa market.

Also on display is a Meego-based tablet with built-in Opera browser and beta version of Opera's new 11.50 (Swordfish) browser for desktop PC, which is available for download here.

Continue after the break for a Web Box commercial video clip.