Computex 2011:江波龍電子(netcom)推出的 microSD WiFi 和 NFC 卡

除了Samsung Nexus S,目前還沒有第二款搭載 NFC 晶片的智慧型手機,雖然透過 NFC 作短距資料傳遞和行動支付的未來(Google Wallet)已經是所有廠商一起勾勒的願景,但不願面對的真相是世界上已經那麼多的智慧型手機就是沒有NFC晶片。來自深圳的江波龍電子(netcom)推出了相容於 microSD 插槽的 NFC 晶片模組和 WiFi 模組。或許就是解決過去智慧型手機應用NFC的解決方案。

不過 netcom 展場工作人員衛主任表示,目前所開發的 microSD NFC 晶片模組,並不考慮推給大眾市場,反而和中國大型電訊商(如中國移動)一同開發搭載NFC晶片的手機,因為採用了廠商都有的 microSD 接口模組,所以可以採取即插即用的方式賦予手機具有 NFC 通訊的能力,所以甚至這款 microSD 卡連內建記憶體都沒有。我的想法是 netcom 別想多了,與其如此不如成為當前上億支智慧型手機解決方案才好。

另外 netcome 也推出了具有 WiFi 功能的 microSD 卡(依然很任性的不內建記憶體),我詢問了為何這張卡不作和 Eye-Fi 無線SD記憶卡的功能,反而要像NFC晶片一樣的推廣模式。netcome工作人員則說到像 Eye-Fi 這樣的產品一般人是不願意購買的,拍完相片直接把卡插在電腦上就好了,何必在透過無線連結呢?從小小的一張卡,有時就看到東西方作產品的思維是完全不同呢!
Although the NFC technology is very promising in bringing us short-range data transmission and digital payment to our phones (Google Wallet); to date, Samsung Nexus S is the only smart phone to have the NFC chip. Netcom may have a solution- their latest NFC chip and Wifi module fits snugly in the microSD slot in many past and present smart phones. However, this handy NFC microSD module may not be coming to the store near you. Instead, they are partnering up with Chinese telecom companies to develop NFC-equipped phones. In our minds it is kind of a waste.

The other cute little gem is a WiFi microSD card. I asked them why not give it the same capability as the Eye-Fi wireless SD card? Well, they think most people would rather upload their pictures the old fashioned way. I guess great minds don't always think alike.