Computex 2011:Insyde 展示具 Chromium 瀏覽器功能的 BIOS



  • 未來系微的 BIOS 將會有 Chromium 瀏覽器(同 Google Chrome 瀏覽器同一個開放原始碼 Project )

  • 內建的 Android 版本將會上到 2.3

  • UEFI 全面 Ready(系微在2001年就開始投入 UEFI 的開發)

  • 支援 Intel 最新的 iFFS 技術

因為搭載系微BIOS的產品不一定會有 3G 模組,所以無法使用 Android Market ,所以他們就開發自己的 App Market (名為 Insyde Market)。內建 Android 除了上到 2.3 之外,系微還為其開發 Launcher ,所以可以看到動態桌面與類似 Honeycomb 的圖示 Layout ,筆者還看到有類似 iPad 介面的 Laucher。內建的 Chromium 瀏覽器,可以吃大部分的 Chrome Web Store 的 app 。

至於 BIOS 方面,除了全面走 UEFI 之外,因為支援 UEFI 可說好處多多,筆者在此就不贅述,另外,還正式支援 Intel 剛發表的 iFFS 技術。 iFFS 技術是針對 SSD 而推出的,簡單說,若作業系統進入睡眠模式,就算「斷電」,回覆電力後,SSD仍可正常從睡眠狀態中回復。


Computex 2011: Insyde Showcases BIOS with Chromium Browser

In short, four keynotes from this year's Insyde show booth:

  • In future, BIOS from Insyde will have Chromium browser (from the same open-source project as Google Chrome browser)

  • The built-in Android OS will be updated to version 2.3

  • UEFI is now ready (Insyde have started their UEFI implementation since 2001)

  • Support for Intel's latest iFFS technology

Since end-products which implements Insyde BIOS may not always have 3G capability, Insyde have developed their own version of App Market called Insyde Market. In addition to updating the built-in Android to version 2.3, Insyde have developed customized launcher for it, which includes animated desktop and icon layout similar to Honeycomb. A version of launcher with interface similar to iPad also went on display too. The build-in Chromium browser can run most app from Chrome Web Store.

BIOS wise, in addition to UEFI implementations, support for recently announced Intel iFFS was added. The iFFS technology was something Intel developed specifically for SSD to allow a SSD to be correctly resumed from OS suspension even after a power-outage (i.e. battery ran out during the suspension period.)