Computex 2011:AMD新VISION識別標誌出爐

AMD近年在產品識別啟用VISION標誌取代過去紛亂的標示方式,在新產品A-series APU即將推出之際,AMD在Computex也發表2011年的新版VISION等級識別標籤,未來消費者可以輕易的從商標看出產品所搭載的處理器以及大致的效能等級。


In recent years, AMD have started to streamline their performance rating identification system with VISION logos. Before the release of new A-series APU, AMD unveils their new VISION performance rating logos for year 2011. In the future, consumers can easily identify the CPU and approximate performance rating of a product from the logo it bears in the package.

Continue after the break for more detailed descriptions of year 2010 and 2011 editions of VISION logos.

VISION logos in Year 2010

New VISION logos in 2011.