Computex 2011:Pretec 的隨身與平價 SSD

希旺(Pretec)在這次 Computex 攤位也有多款產品,其中有為需要高速傳輸需求的 Rex 300 ,是 1.8吋 比1.8吋更小的 SSD ,走 USB 3.0 介面,並且可以收納到機身裡,而且讀取可到 200MB/s ,寫入則可到 175MB/s ,而且售價並不嚇人,64GB約莫台幣 5 4000元左右。好處是容量夠大、傳輸速度又夠快,並且便宜又好攜帶,適合大容量高速傳輸的用途。(或許可以當作容量更大效能更快的隨身碟)

另外還有 i-Disk Infini 的隨身碟,走 USB 2.0 介面,內建 2GB 或 4GB 容量,比較特別的地方,還可插 micro SD 來擴充容量,對筆者來說,手上若有1GB或2GB小容量的 micro SD ,透過 i-Disk Infini 還能再利用,Pretec並且還會提供軟體,可以把容量合併(JBOD)或獨立(兩個磁碟機),算是帶有環保概念的產品。

現場還有展出型號為 G2000 的 SSD,持續讀寫皆超過最高可達 130MB,而且不貴,64GB不到5000台幣,重點是因為控制器是台灣自製的方案,雖然「持續寫入」未如使用 SandForce、Marvell或JMicron 等等控制器的SSD來得漂亮,但是隨機讀寫卻是遠超過2.5吋的機械式硬碟,而且 Pretec 還讓 G2000 的耗電達到 100mA ,相較於現在的 150~175mA 的 2.5吋硬碟,在功耗的控制又更好,加上價格又不貴,或許可以讓SSD能更加普及。

現場還有 USB 3.0 讀卡機(連讀卡機都流行USB 3.0了XD)
Pretec has an SSD smaller than 1.8" and comes with USB 3.0, and the port is cleverly designed to tuck right into the body. Read speed is 200 MB/s and write speed is up to 175 MB/s. It's also priced just right, with the 64GB model costing about $4000 NTD.

Their other product, the i-Disk Infini USB thumb drive is capable of expanding its capacity via a micro SD slot. Their proprietary software will also allow you to merge the disks (JBOD).

Also worth noting is their G2000 SSD, which is capable of sustaining a write speed of 130 MB. It will cost under $5000 NTD for the 64 GB model, which is quite affordable. Pretec is able to keep the cost down because they use a Taiwanese chip, which is not able to sustain a write speed as high as chips like SandForce, Marvell or JMicron but is very adequate. The power consumption is only at 100 mA which is more efficient than most 2.5" hard drives (which run at 150-175 mA).

Last but not least is a USB 3.0 card reader.