Computex 2011:承景科技Himax Media 2D轉3D 晶片

由承景科技(Himax Media)推出的 3D 晶片解決方案,在不需要更改現有系統晶片的狀態下,可將平面2D的圖片、影片和遊戲直接轉化成3D的畫面。這樣的功能目前已經常見在各家主流3D電視中,但從去年看到的2D轉3D電視的效果都不夠好,看久了也有眼睛不舒服的狀態,在現場透過該款 3D IC 的處理畫面,在舒適度和3D景深的效果都相當的棒。現場的展示人員並說明目前 2D 轉 3D 的的內容中,以遊戲畫面的效果更加。

另外由於當前的液晶電視掃秒頻率都以 120Hz 為主(240Hz 多為計算補點出來),因此 3D 表現上仍有些殘影,目前以 3D 投影機的表現最佳,想要在家欣賞大螢幕 3D 視聽娛樂的朋友,再過一二個月市場上會有更多的成熟產品線身。

另外承景科技的邱副理也提到,在裸視3D部分,如手機一般小螢幕較難展現良好的3D效果,因此像LG推出的3D平板電腦反而有發展的可能性。無獨有偶的,華碩也在昨天發表了 Eee Pad Memo 七吋3D平板電腦,而國內某超級大廠也正積極探尋裸視3D平板的可能性。簡單的一顆3D IC 晶片,似乎點出來兩條3D發展的有效路徑呢!
Himax Media has come out with a new 3D solution that will convert photos, video clips or games from 2D to 3D without any modification to your existing system. Although such a technology is already built into most main stream 3D TVs, the ones we've seen so far produce 3D images that give us eye strains. Himax' 3D IC produces 3D images that not only are easier on the eye but also have a better depth of field. We were also told that their chip works most efficiently on games.

Also, since most flat panel TVs have a refresh rate of 120 Hz (the 240 Hz ones are mostly simulated) they tend to produce ghosts in 3D mode. So far it seems like 3D projectors are the best bet for getting the maximum effect; however, if you are not in a rush, expect better products to hit the shelf in one to two months.

Mr. Chiu, Vice Manger of Himax also pointed out that smaller screens on cell phones are much less capable of producing a good 3D effect. Therefore, the 3D tablet from LG has more potential of becoming a bigger hit. On the same note, Asus has just announced the Eee Pad Memo 7" 3D tablet, and another anonymous Taiwanese tech giant is also on the same train. What an enormous potential that this tiny little 3D chip has given us!