Computex 2011:宏碁展出內建 2D 到 3D 轉換功能的 GR235H A 螢幕


即使是 3D 熱已經炒了有一年了,在 PC 上要取得 3D 內容還是相當不容易的 -- 除了 3D 遊戲之外,要嘛就是努力找 3D 的影片(祝好運),要嘛就是用軟體的 3D 化轉碼器,耗費電腦資源。不過宏碁今年在 Computex 展出了這麼一台相當有趣的螢幕,可以自動將任何訊號(後面有 VGA 和兩個 HDMI)轉成 3D 的,包括影片、照片,甚至是一般在跑的軟體也可以,只是顯然 Excel 之類的放進去效果會很淒慘就是了 XD。

GR235H A 用的是偏光鏡式的 3D 眼鏡,除了這個 2D 轉 3D 功能之外,其他規格都蠻正常的,是一顆內建喇叭的 23" FullHD 螢幕。預計七月上市,目前售價不詳。


Even though 3D technology has been hot for a year, 3D products are still very limited in PC – you can get 3D games, or you can try your luck searching for 3D vedios (good luck indeed); otherwise, you can use 3D codec software, if your computer has too much capacity. Yet in this year's Computex, Acer has this rather interesting monitor in display. It automatically converts any kind of file formats, including vedios, pictures, or even software that people normally run with their computers (it has a VGA and 2 HDMI at the back) to 3D. Although you certainly would not want to see an Excel file converted to 3D, lol.

GR235H A uses polarized 3D lenses. It is 23", FullHD, with built-in speakers and everything that you would expect for a normal moniter. The planned market launch is in July, but price is undetermined.