Onyx Boox價格公佈,將開放SDK


Onyx Boox已與多家歐洲營運商展開合作,芬蘭知名營運商Elisa將在芬蘭書展上首先發表,他們也將和一些著名的美國內容提供商合作提供服務。

不過,最勁爆的應該是Onyx的SDK開放,可以讓Linux高手給這款電子書加油添醋,Onyx Boox在歐洲的價格是368歐元,美國為368美元,均不含內容費,在中國的售價將會在2980人民幣左右(約台幣14,168元)。


Onyx is now cooperating with big customers like consumer channel and operators. Cooperation with Elisa OYJ of Finland will soon be the first one to be released at the Finland Book Expo. They are pursuing for big content providers cooperation in the US。

Onyx's SDK policy will be a poison to linux fans, high level SDK and some bottom port will be gradually open , ace of linux will be excited of it;Onyx will also supply sufficient document of the SDK, easy to use, admission requirement is low, very appealing to beginner.