Computex 2009:Art Studios 帶著 EFI-X V2.0 來造訪!


話說有玩過 Mac OS X on PC 的朋友,對於怎樣用 EFI 模擬器來騙 Mac OS X,應該是相當了解,不過對於其他市井小民來說,想在 PC 上面玩 Mac OS,可就不是啥容易的事情;而 Art Studios 家的 EFI-X 這顆 USB BPU(啟動處理單元),則可以讓使用者輕鬆達成夢想。

不過老實說,這東西出現也是好一段時日了,這回在展場上則是主打 EFI-X V2.0 這塊 USB BPU(跳轉後有放大圖);最讓小編驚訝的,並不是上面剛剛所提的那段簡單介紹,而是他居然可以大剌剌的在展場上拿非水果家版卡展示跑 Mac OS X 10.5 的威能,這...好像有點踩到水果公司的線呀!當然,EFI-X 可以做的事情也不只是這樣,可以模擬的 EFI 也不只有水果家的,只不過放個 Mac OS X 的畫面比較吸引人吧?

<Computex 2009: Art Studios visits us with their EFI-X V2.0>

If you've tried running Mac OS X on a PC, you are probably quite familiar with using an EFI emulator to cheat OS X. However, for those of us that are less skilled, it's probably not a piece of cake. Art Studios has come up with an excellent solution. Their EFI-X USB BPU will make the task much easier.

Similar devices have already been on the market. What surprises us the most is that they are showing this USB BPU running OS X in broad daylight. Apple must not be pleased. There are lots of other things that the EFI-X can do, but showing off its ability to run OS X is surely attractive.

銀色那東西,就是 EFI-X V2.0 BPU