Computex 2009:InnoDisk的超小顆SSD


在這次的Computex 2009,南港一樓這邊可說是 "滿天都是SSD,滿地都是隨身碟" ,不過,InnoDisk(宜鼎國際)的攤位上的SSD卻吸引Annti的注意,這顆SSD型號為 "SATADOM" ,尺寸比2.5吋甚至1.8吋都還要來得小,而且採用SLC顆粒,不用外接電源,並且還有固定的卡榫以防鬆脫的可能,而這個產品也有得到這次 "Best Choice of Computex 2009" 的獎項。



The exhibition center is flooded with SSDs and USB drives this year. However, InnoDisk has brought us some very unique stuff. This particular SSD is called the "SATADOM," and it is much smaller than the standard 2.5" or even 1.8" hard drives. It doesn't require external power supply and it has notches to prevent the case from coming loose. Most importantly, the SATADOM has won the "Best Choice of Computex 2009" award. According to InnoDisk, the current version of SATADOM uses SLC chips to serve business users. In the near future, there will be less expensive models with MLC chips.