Computex 2009:20 合一充電座


唯聯(Welland)在今年的 Computex 擺出了一系列的多合一充電器 / 充電座,其中最威的,當然是上面這台二十合一的充電器。

充電座可以容納的對象,從手機 / 相機 / 攝影機的鋰電池、AA / AAA 充電電池、USB 裝置(5V 輸出)皆可以;不過因為沒有內建的電池,所以一旦帶到戶外去,則要靠 AA / AAA 電池、鋰電池當作電力來源;另外充電部份,最多可以一次幫五種裝置 / 電池充電,也支援單鍵電池激活、快速充電等;跳轉後有其他角度照片以及細節介紹。


<Computex 2009: 20 in 1 Charger in Computex>

Welland has a series of chargers / charge stands this year and this 20 in 1 charger above is the most versatile one.

It charges batteries from the Li batteries of cell phones / cameras / video cameras to AA / AAA Rechargeable batteries. It also has an USB charge port (5V output). But when you are outside with no power supply, you'll have to use the AA / AAA batteries or Li batteries as the power source. Up to 5 devices / batteries can be charged at the same time, while functions such as One Touch Battery Activation and Fast Charging are also supported. Read on for more pictures and detailed descriptions.

It looks kind of cumbersome with so many connectors

Electrodes for Li batteries that allow parallel movement (no polarity)

上排充電顯示燈(家用插座輸入 / 輸出,LED 燈、乾電池、鋰電池、USB);正面的 USB、充電座 DC 輸入(9.5V-24V,可接一般筆電電壓器作為家用充電來源)/ 輸出
The charging indicators (electric socket input / output, LED, dry batteries, Li batteries, USB), USB port and DC input (9.5V-24V, for common notebook adapters) / output

The black bar can be adjusted to anchor the Li battery; the lower space is for dry batteries

LED 燈跟用高電壓激活鋰電池的 Revive 按鍵(快速充電在對面!請參考前頁)
LED and the Revive button for high voltage activation (Fast Charging is on the other side, see the first picture)

LED 燈操作狀況
LED in operation

另外還有 15 合一、9 合一...一路到 3 合一(當然功能也就一路衰減)
They have chargers from 15 in 1, 9 in 1 ... to 3 in 1

Two big packs of adapters