Computex 2009:光華商場的一體成形電腦 - Omnia iPC S20 AiO


說 iPC S20 外型多時尚和家裡高檔裝潢多配這件事我是絕對不相信的,但 iPC 可以拆開後背然後換硬碟、記憶體這些元件換到爽就有光華牌的硬體精神了。別說一體成形電腦帶給大家方便不需要考慮元件更換這些事情,但你去光華看看就是有人買 AiO 的時候絕對會問「能不能換硬碟呢?」這樣的問題。

會在何處看到 iPC S20,套句 Computex 所有展售廠商的標準說法:「全世界哪裡有訂單哪裡就看的到這台電腦。」所以哪天在中東地區看到上面這台造型特別的一體成形電腦,可不要少見多怪。iPC S20 搭載20吋 1680x1050 解析度螢幕、處理器最高達 Intel i7 四核心、7200rpm 2.5吋硬碟、光碟機最高可裝藍光(都是非常彈性的硬體規格)。

跳轉看 iPC S20 其他的細部照片解說:

<Computex 2009: Omnia iPC S20 AiO>
Unlike other AiO (All-in-One) PC with sleek designs, iPC S20 isn't something that goes perfectly with your designer furniture. What makes iPC S20 different from other AiO is its highly configurable design where the frequently-changed components such as hard drive and memory, can be changed without hassles.

So where can we see this iPC S20? According to the manufacturer, "wherever there is order, there it is where it will appear". So don't be surprise to see it in the shops you visited. The iPC S20 comes with 20" 1680x1050 screen, up to Intel i7 Quad-Core in terms of CPU, and up to Blu-ray in terms of optical reader (quite flexible in terms of hardware configuration.)

Continue after the break for more photographic details.

和所有其他 AiO 電腦不同的地方是,光碟機是「向上發展」的
Unlike any other AiO, this one have an optical drive that 'opens up'.

I/O 連接埠從左至右包括色差端子、 DVI 輸出、四個 USB 2.0 埠、LAN、E-SATA、PS/2 和耳機麥克風。
I/O ports include (from left to right): RCA, DVI, 4 USB 2.0, LAN, E-SATA, PS/2 port, earphone and microphone.

One cooling fan located on the back. According to the representative, the case is all aluminum, so no cooling issues with only one fan.

前面的面板做的和螢幕調整按鍵相當像,包括nSCREEN 沒有的螢幕開關紐。AUTO 和 MENU 按鈕和一般螢幕一樣,作後兩鍵為音量調整按鈕。
Front panel's button arrangement is the same as the usual LCD monitor's arrangement: monitor switch, auto, menu and last two buttons for volume control.