Computex 2009:Moblin 2.0 - Linux 小筆電的救世主?


[34.4 秒為這台 SUSE Linux 作業系統配上 Moblin 2.0 的開機時間]

由 Intel 在台研發團隊(台灣Moblin技術發展中心 Moblin Enabling Center,MEC)打造出來的 Moblin 2.0 其實是一張架在 Linux 上面的美麗外皮,而且是 Atom 專用。Moblin 的作業環境分五個區塊,左上角今日工作事項、左下角重要的應用程式,中間我的文件內容以及右邊我好友的現在狀態,再配上最上面的導覽Bar,Moblin 2.0 確實是所有 Linux 在小筆電上表現的最簡潔乾淨好用的應用介面。

Moblin 2.0 其實最適合「還沒真正學過電腦」或「輕量認知電腦」的使用者使用,因為如我媽或者是初學電腦的小朋友,Windows 對他們來說需要花時間來學習的,可能會扼殺他們使用電腦的興趣(尤其是35歲以上的初學者)。但縱使如此,由 Linux 接手的 必須承接教育的工作,不能簡單丟給硬體商就開賣,這樣必然有不好的結果。

另一方面,Moblin 2.0 用了將近三分之一的版面作為 SNS 最新狀態的呈現,這似乎是網際網路的趨勢,所需要搭配必定是 3G 連網或未來的 WiMax 連網,因此 Moblin 2.0 的輕省筆電最好是透過電訊業者來推廣最為適當。

當然這就是 Intel 的計謀,Intel 所為無他,就是要 Atom 賣得愈多愈好才是,所以才想要一整完全被擊潰的 Linux 輕省筆電市場,讓各家廠商願意為了 Moblin 2.0 再推出搭載 Atom 處理器的 Linux 小筆電。所以對 Intel 來說,不管是藍貓或者是橘貓,只要是 Atom 架構的小筆電就是好貓!

下面圖集有相當精緻好看的 Vodafone 小筆電圖集,完全符合上面文章的講述狀況。另外還有 Acer 以 SUSE 作業系統為基礎的 Moblin 2.0 Aspire One,貼紙上號稱有 11 小時續航力。跳轉看 Moblin 2.0 的一些操作畫面講述,或者直接看這個影片
<Computex 2009: Moblin-Linux is coming to rescue Netbooks?>

(34.4 seconds is all the time it takes for this SUSE Linux with Moblin laptop to boot up)

Moblin 2.0 is designed by Intel's development team in Taiwan. It is built on Linux and is designed specifically for Atom. You will see 5 main areas on the startup screen. In the upper left corner is the calender, lower left is the major applications, the middle is the documents, and your friends' status will appear on the right. Add a navigation bar to the top of the screen, and Moblin 2.0 becomes the cleanest and the most user-friendly operating system interface yet.

As a matter of fact, we think that Moblin 2.0 is best suited for the relatively inexperienced computer users. For example, my mom or my kids might find the standard Windows interface a little too intimidating to use. In this case, Moblin 2.0 will help smooth out the transition.

Also, Moblin 2.0 uses about one third of the area for showing SNS status. Perhpas this is the trend for Netbooks with 3G or WiMax capabilities. In this regard, it might be wise to bundle Moblin 2.0 with wireless providers.

Of course, Intel would love to see their Atom sales go up. Therefore, this might be their strategy to invade the Linux-Netbook market by encouraging more Netbook manufacturers to make more Moblin-enabled Atom Netbooks.

Here we have some fresh pictures of the new Vodafone Netbook. This particular Netbook completely matches the profile we've just described. In addition to that is the Moblin 2.0 Aspire One by Acer, which they claim has 11hr of battery life. We also have a video clip for people who are new to Moblin.

導覽列曲線圖的功能就是立即更新自己的狀態,透過 twitter 或 FB 等 SNS 服務。


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行家應該都會這樣玩吧~等Q4買一台搭載Windows 7的小筆電,在另開磁區玩 Moblin 2.0 囉~