Computex 2009:產品中不可忽視的小元件—連接器也有展?

筆者走到一個算是稱得上有趣的攤位,廠商為鴻松精密科技L & K。之所以會覺得有趣,是因為他們所展的,並不是完整的產品,而是產品中的一小部分元件。像這家所展出的,有記憶卡連接器、USB連接器、SIM卡連接器以及Micro SD與SIM卡結合的連接器,還有LVDS連接器。





<Computex 2009: Connector components in Computex?>
We come across this sort-of-interesting showroom by L&K Precision Technology. The reason we felt it's soft-of-interesting is because the products they displayed are not completed products, but components used in completed products. The components on display are connectors for memory card, USB, SIM card, Micro SD and SIM card in one, and LVDS.

We pointed at LVDS connector and asked what sort of company would be interested in this. The representative replied this stuff is used in television, so companies like CPT (ChungHwa Picture Tubes, LTD.) would be interested in buying this.

We don't know what to say at this point of time. However, since they are here, surely they have thought it through and believe this is the appropriate venue for buyers to visit.

Of course, in this Computex, there are some other manufacturers who display single components from completed products; however, the display of something like connectors is something that is much unexpected.