Computex 2009:Pretec之放開那個女孩


快閃記憶體儲存裝置除了比速度外,還能再玩什麼花樣呢?在外型求變化或許是一種方式,Pretec在這次Computex就展示了多種外觀的隨身碟,像是科科們都知道的壽司外型、豆腐人外型與鑲施華洛世奇水晶的隨身碟,Pretec都有展出,不過還有一些新的變化,像是領帶夾外型與皮包掛勾外型,對型男與正妹都相當實用,最酷的就是名為 "BiBi" 的隨身碟,不但可以有哨子功能,還能發出夜光,實用與防身兼具。


Flash drive manufacturers are always competing against each other on making faster drives. But besides that, what else do they do? Pretec exhibits tons of USB sticks in different shapes and forms. You can have it look like sushi, tofu man, or even decorated in Swarovski sparkles. Also, some come with really cool extra functions, such as a necktie holder and a hook for your purse. Men and women will sure love this. The coolest USB drive we saw has to be the "BiBi," because it has a whistle and it glows in the dark.

Check out the pictures and you'll know what we mean.