Computex 2009:一狗票跑視窗七號的筆電

這次微軟攤位主打的一大主題就是Windows 7,現場放了一堆已經安裝Windows 7的筆電(RC build 7100),從商用導向的輕省筆電Acer Aspire One Pro到Sharp的都有。

其中比較特別的是Sharp Mebius PC-NJ70Apro,內建觸控板螢幕,同樣也支援Windows 7。跳轉之後可看Sharp Mebius PC-NJ70Apro與規格,圖集可看其他筆電。


Microsoft's focus this year is on Windows 7. There is a whole bunch of laptops pre-loaded with Windows 7 (RC build 7100) sitting at their booth. There is the more business oriented netbook Acer Aspire One Pro. The interesting guy is the Sharp Mebius PC-NJ70Apro because it features a small touch screen in place for the usual touchpad.