Computex 2009:什麼是SnapDragon?威猛的咬咬龍?


相信大家都看過了小薑所寫的「Snapdragon Netbook 搶鮮看」(請點我),也知道SnapDragon是Qualcomm所推出的新平台,不過,嚴格來說算新概念才是,這次找了利樂包妹來主持記者會,也算與SnapDragon互相呼應的說。



2.Always online,目前透過3G或HSDPA

而SnapDragon屬於ARM架構(算是與Intel切割,不與其正面衝突),若是x86架構則是稱為 "Gobi" ,不管是SnapDragon抑或Gobi,像這樣強調長續航力、超輕薄與隨時連線的筆電,Qualcomm通稱為 "Smartbook" 。

撇開上述饒口與硬梆梆的名詞,所謂 "Smartbook" 可以看作「比較大台的手機」,才會比較好理解,也就是從手機的概念(像續航力、輕薄與隨時連線)延伸套用到輕省筆電(Netbook)上。

Smartbook是「硬體」行動裝置的概念,讓筆者不禁想到Android,Android是從「軟體」出發的行動裝置的概念,若兩者相結合會如何?Qualcomm的副總裁 - Luis Pineda並沒有提到(不知道是不是刻意不提的說)


We've just found out that Snap Dragon is the new platform designed by Qualcomm. Well, strictly speaking, it's more like a new "concept." Some feature about Snap Dragon are 1. An easy to use UI. We're not sure if there's going to be an UI based on Windows, but most of the machines displayed are based on Linux. 2. Connectivity via 3G or HSDPA. 3. The machines have less than 20mm of thickness. 4. Weigh less than 2lb or 900g. 5. Battery life will be longer than 8 hrs.

Snap Dragon is based the ARM design and this avoids conflicting with Intel. If it's x86, it's called "Gobi." Whatever the name might be, Qualcomm call these extremely mobile laptops "Smart book." This has reminded us of Android. We wonder if there's possibility for collaboration between the two. However, Luis Pineda, Vice President of Qualcomm, did not comment on this at all.