何謂氣度?請看聯想針對128GB SSD事件的回應

老實說,在看到之前128GB SSD的「超低價」優惠時,我個人所猜測的結局為以「缺貨」收場。而事實上,聯想還真的將這個理由搬出來─事實上他們現在手上根本就沒有這玩意兒(嗎?)。喔喔等會等會,折凳先收回去,以下是聯想寄給買家的信件全文:

Dear Valued Lenovo Customer,

We are contacting you with regard to your recent Lenovo X200 order.

Please note that we recently experienced a web error which caused the price of the 128GB Solid State Drive to be erroneously listed at $0.
Unfortunately, we are unable to honor this pricing; in addition, the part is currently not available.

As a token of appreciation for your patience and understanding, we are pleased to offer you a substitute of either a 64GB Solid State Drive
or a 200GB Hard Disk Drive (7200rpm) free of charge in place of the 128GB Drive.

To accept this offer, please reply to this email and fill out the below fields by Monday August 11th with your selection.

*** If we do not receive a reply by that date, your order will be cancelled at that time.

簡單的說,聯想為了補償各位的心靈創傷,決定讓你自由選擇改為200GB的7200轉硬碟或著64GB SSD,並且不多收任何一毛錢。

64GB SSD耶!820美金耶!為什麼我不是住美國,為什麼我那時沒有找朋友代訂,為什麼,為什麼,為什麼...!



[ Yeager插一腳:嘿,更扼腕的是我吧,我是有打算要買X200的人,我是眼睜睜看著網頁出現又改回來的人 ]