Computex 2008:華碩的概念性人機介面-Virtual to Real


它的名稱叫做「Virtual to Real」,是一種人機介面,簡單說就是要加強使用者與機器間的互動,而不要經過太多的學習。雖然現場是透過觸控方式來操作產品,但是並不代表非得用操控,只要能增強互動性與操作門檻,不排除用語音來下指令。

由於Annti的天份有限,無法完全理解華碩PM想傳達給個人的話,只有理解上述的部份,希望華碩未來的產品都真能像Virtual to Real一樣,人機互動性強且學習門檻低。


<Computex 2008: ASUS' Conceptual Human-Machine Interface>

This conceptual product is from ASUS, called 'Virtual to Real'. Although we did not fully comprehend the full idea that ASUS's PM trying to convey to us; however, here is what we have understood: it's a human-machine interface designed to enhance the interactions between user and machine without the steep learning curve. Although the demonstration unit we saw is operated by touch-screen, we have been told, the concept is not limited to physical operation. Voice operation, or any other means that can enhance interactions and reduces barriers, will be considered.

Scroll down, for video clips demostrating this concept. (No audio, due to noisy background)