Computex 2008:新泰好POWER

新泰好(GPS)這家應該是屬於幫人家OEM / ODM的一個公司,看攤位的擺設,主要是做電源以及電源檢測。廠商有提到,這個POWER省電、環保且超高效率(我想有做這東西的廠商,現在應該都是這樣宣傳的吧)。

在電源上面,有Smart Power Meter的機制,可以反應目前實際功率以及溫度,判斷是否超出負荷或是有餘量可供使用。若是超出範圍,則會發出警報,以避免因過熱而被燒壞。

[GPS smart power]

GPS (not your Garmin or TomTom) makes OEM/ ODM power supplies. This particular model is claimed to be very efficient and environmentally friendly (don't they all claim that?). It features a Smart Power Meter that indicates real-time power-consumption and temperature. Its internal alarm will go off if it is overloaded.
