Computex 2008:OQO Model e2


會場有展出OQO的UMPC,這部型號為e2,圖中可以看到把鍵盤滑出後體積跟一張CD盒差不多大,厚度接近4張CD盒厚。在這次輕省筆電當道的Comuptex 2008,UMPC反而被冷落了,這部e2使用的是威盛C7-M ULV,而且還有Trackpoint與獨立的數字鍵,只是跑得是Windows Vista,有3.5G的模組。Annti玩了5分鐘,感覺還不錯,希望有機會可以在台灣的一般通路上看到

<Computex 2008: OQO Model e2>

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The OQO UMPC showcased here is model e2. With keyboard slid out, e2 is about the same size as a CD jewel case with thickness about 4 CD jewel cases stacked together. The machine is running on VIA C7-M ULV CPU with Windows VISTA as default OS. Other special features include trackpoint, separate numeric keys and 3.5G module.