Computex 2008:USI MID-150動手玩

這一台也是舊面孔了,在已經充滿各式奇怪MID的世界裡,這一台外觀上實在不怎麼起眼。最大的特色就是可以透過PCI Express Card來擴充HSDPA或其他連網的能力。介面上掛了個MITAC的Logo,操作起來比M528順暢很多很多,本來還挺期待的...

[Hands on with the US MID-150]

We've seen all kinds of MIDs at Computex this year already, so this MID doesn't really amuse us. The most interesting feature about MID-150 is probably an expansion port for PCI express Card. It runs a lot smoother than M528, but they both runs on MID Firefox browser. What? You know this already? Uh, sorry I'm slow...


ps.在這裡確定了一件事,Gigabyte的M528和USI MID-150使用的都是MID Firefox Browser,不過這單純是小弟笨就是了...