Computex 2008:Lenovo IdeaPad U8動手玩

Lenovo IdeaPad U8已經現身好一陣子了(事實上這次Intel的MID展示幾乎都是老面孔,主力都跑去輕省筆電了啊...)不過這台的處境還真的有點可憐,在Intel展區裡竟然連個介紹牌都沒有,而且這台似乎也少了一點軟體(而且介面也和之前的影片不太一樣?)。不過反正我也沒玩過,就亂試一下吧!實際用起來的感覺的話,觸控操作上還算順暢,右上角的滑鼠控制鈕還挺好用的。

[Hands on the Lenovo IdeaPad U8]

Lenovo IdeaPad U8 has been around for a while. It seems to be left out in the cold while the section for the ultra-portables is jammed. The user interface does not appeared quite the same as I remembered. It actually runs smoothly and the cursor control at upper right comes pretty handy.


不過右邊的英文數字鍵盤就很謎了,旁邊的Intel介紹人員也不知道要怎麼用(他都直接用觸控螢幕的鍵盤)。大概是我的悟性問題吧 orz
