Computex 2008:Kingston 明星隨身碟

說真格的,3C 產品配上什麼明星,不管娜姊或史努比狗狗,看了這麼多,個人認為都是沒什麼意義的產品。上個月參加 WiMax Expo 推廣記者會,拿到一款由方土司做的 MP3 雖身聽當紀念品(這個以後會當贈品送給大家),好死不死裡面裝了周董新專輯的歌曲,我連想都不想就把歌曲給殺掉了...

不過最近這樣的觀念有點被動搖,首先是四月份手機銷售量那件事,我愚昧不知的賤兔手機竟然佔有 0.8% 的銷售量,難道就像朱宅神說的有蔣帥灌頂就會發光嗎?前幾天帶 Casper 去中華電信換第一天使用就掛點的華為 3.5G 網卡,Casper 竟然驚見有人當場購買 Armani 手機,嚇到當場找不到下巴。




<Computex 2008: Kingston Celebrity Flash Drive>
Kingston taps into pop culture industry, showcasing several of their celebrity flash drive products. The celebrity flash drives are flash drives with exclusive or special contents like songs, wallpapers, video clips and etc. Kingston representatives told us they are looking into working with celebrity / gaming / entertainment industries in Taiwan and elsewhere for more of these flash drives with exclusive contents.

(Below: Kingston's flash drive and microSD card reader in one combo)