Computex 2008:毅威的iWap充電急救站


有時候,人生就是這麼樣的巧合,此時的我,正好站在這攤毅威( IWEI )前面,正在研究這附近攤位有沒有值得報導的產品。啊哈,這麼巧,馬上就看到充電產品。



<Computex 2008: iWap Emergency Speedy Charger from IWEI>
Life is full of surprises. When my digital camera ran out of battery today, I happened to be standing in front of IWEI Technology's showroom, which was packed with various kind of battery chargers. The representative introduced me to this iWap Emergency Speedy Charger, which can charge any shape of 3.6V or 3.7V battery to 50% full in 10 minutes. I took the battery out my camera, and put it into the machine. 10 minutes later, I left the showroom with charged battery, and this photo.