Computex 2008:ECS的MID原型?

在逛到ECS的攤位時,不小心瞄到工作人員在玩一台小小的機器,走近一看才發現是一台Windows CE的機器。應該也可稱作MID吧?支援WiFi、GPRS,鍵盤不錯按(人家之前可是拿來連MSN呢!)對方表示這台機器主要只是展示硬體設計用的,跑Windows CE也只是為了更快作產品展示,除非有廠商下單,否則目前也沒有生產的計畫。那,我可以建議先升級到3G嗎?

[A MID prototype from ECS?]

We spotted this machine while walking around at ECS' booth. It runs on Windows CE, supports WiFi and GPS, and it's even got a nice keyboard (they demoed IM with MSN). Can you call this a MID? They say this prototype is for showing off their hardware design. There's no plan for putting it in production unless someone orders it. Then, may we suggest upgrading it to 3G?