Computex 2008:Acer 發表 24吋 1080p 液晶螢幕 P244W

一般 24 吋螢幕的解析度通常是 1920 x 1200,當然可以播放 Full HD 1080p(1920 x 1080)的影片,不過這次 Acer 推出的 P244W 不知道原因為何,特地搭載 1920 x 1080 解析度螢幕,當然可以聲稱為「全球第一款 Full HD 解析度螢幕」...

16:9 的 P244W,規格特色在於擁有 20,000:1 超高對比值以及 2ms(gray to gray) 反應時間,並使用自家ACM(Acer Adaptive Contrast Management)技術,在顏色層次和影像細部表現上多有著墨,特別在過亮或過暗的環境中。另外造型上 P244W 面板上的功能鍵使用觸控式按鍵,這絕對是在意外型表現上的結果,看來宏碁不只是想要俗又大碗,就算穿五分埔也要美的動人才行!

最後 P244W 強調透過 HDMI 端子連接各種設備,沒提及還有哪些端子,有點令人膽顫心驚,但相信基本的 DVI 和 D-Sub 應該不會缺席才是,有色差端子當然更加歡迎。P244W 推出時程和價格目前未知,想進一步瞭解該螢幕的朋友或許可以先參考前一代機種 P243W 的規格

<Computex 2008: Acer P224W 24" 1080p LCD Monitor>

The common screen resolution for 24" LCD monitors is 1920 x 1200, capable of playing Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080) videos. Acer, for some reason unknown, release this resolution 1920x1080, the "First Full HD Monitor in the World", P244W.

This 16:9 P244W offers HDMI connection, 20,000:1 ultra-high contrast ratio, 2ms gray to gray responds time and ACER's own ACM (Acer Adaptive Contrast Management) technologies which claim to offer better colour richness and details in over-bright or over dark environment. In terms of appearance, P244W uses touch panel for function keys, which gives it a touch of slick design. Official release date and price information is currently unavailable.