Computex 2008:實際運作中的散熱史特林引擎

還記得 MSI 的史特林取熱主機板嗎?我們這次在 Computex 上碰到了這個技術的原設計製告商 Polo Tech,而他們在現場就有一個實際運作中的大型史特林引擎在展示。這種大型的史特林引擎技術上還不算完全成熟,所以展示機也就純粹只是展示而已,短時間之內還不會量產,反倒是小一號的(在繼續閱讀裡)已經準備完畢,可以上市。

<Computex 2008: Sterling Engine Cooler>

Remember MSI's Sterling heat-driven mainboard cooler? We happen to run into the original designer, Polo Tech, who has a larger version of this Sterling engine cooling fan doing live demonstration in Computex.
This larger version is not technically ready for the mass market; therefore this demonstration unit is purely for demonstrating the technology, won't hit the mass market in short time. However, the smaller version, as shown below, is ready to hit market in sometime soon.

小號一點的這種可以將高達 8W 的廢熱能轉換成動能,只是小薑實在看不出來它是將廢熱怎麼利用了?
This smaller version can convert up to 8W of heat energy into kinetic energy.

喔~果然還是要接成馬桶的形狀才有效果啊!Polo Tech 的人說,只要史特林引擎的上下溫差能產生的能量大於機械損耗,史特林引擎就能持續不斷地運作,而且熱差愈大,引擎就轉動的愈快,因此做成散熱風扇的話,還有一點自動隨晶片溫度自動調整轉速的功能呢!下面是運作中的史特林引擎影片...