Computex 2008:啥!優派也出輕省筆電?

就是圖中這款產品,左邊是HP 2133,螢幕比別人小,鍵盤比別人小,但體積看來卻比別人大的樣子。Viewsonic會推出輕省筆電產品嗎?真是令人懷疑呀。就算有做出這款樣機,也不代表優派會量產呀。不過,我所得到的訊息,這款的確就是優派的。至於是誰代工呢?

<Computex 2008: What? Ultra-Portable from ViewSonic?>
As featured in the center, with HP 2133 to the left. Compare with others in the same league, this sample machine packs smaller display and smaller keyboard in a bigger-than-others chassis. As for who makes this sample machine for Viewsonic? Quanta.
