Computex 2008:金士頓 Kingston 新款隨身碟 DT Slim

金士頓即將要推出的隨身碟 DT Slim,雖然外表看起來沒有什麼獨特之處,不過這款隨身碟改善了這種小小片型隨身碟的不方便之處 -- 插進 USB 很難拔起來 -- 就是尾端有作突起,這樣在拔隨身碟時會方便許多。規格上 DT Slim 有 8 GB 容量,最高讀取速度 5 MB/sec,最高寫入速度 1.5 MB/sec。外型體積 38x12.35x44 mm,並擁有五年保固。


[DT slim : Kingston's new memory stick]

The DT Slim Kingston is about to put out does not look special at all. But it has some modification for convenience. The small and flat memory sticks make you look awkward when you try to pull it out. The DT Slim has a raised ridge at the end and gives you something to grab on to. Besides the considerate feature, the specs are : 8GB flash memory, max read speed 5MB/sec, max write speed 1.5MB/sec, with a size of 38x12.35x44 mm and 5 years warranty.