Computex 2008:威盛攤位(VIA nano Update)

威盛在這次的Computex基本上有兩個主軸,輕省筆電與VIA Nano,但是攤位上一狗票的輕省筆電都是C7-M系列,到底有沒有採用VIA Nano作為核心的輕省筆電,Annti跟大家一樣好奇。

<VIA booth>

The two major product lines that VIA is showcasing this year are the ultra-portable computers (Mini-Note) and the VIA Nano processor. However, all the mini notebooks at their booth use the C7-M series processors instead of the Nano. We are curious if there are any mini notebooks from VIA features the Nano core. We have an answer for you after the break.

Annti眼殘,威盛現場其實有一部使用VIA nano CPU的筆電,是貼清華同方的Mark,然後放在櫃台,所以Annti第一次去就沒拍到。

只是為什麼只有一部威盛nano的筆電呢?經Annti詢問後,得知是各家廠商來不及提供裝有nano CPU的展示機(這個說法有點令人存疑)


And the answer is no (duh...). We did not see any computer equipped with the Nano processor. Overall, we are quite disappointed at VIA this year, because nothing else is particularly exciting here.

技嘉有推出採用C7核心的Thin Client(精簡型電腦),對企業客戶比較有吸引力

Gigabyte released a Thin Client mini desktop with the VIA C7 processor for the business-minded.


It appears like VIA is very interested in in-car computers.


Here is VIA's approach to wireless digital frames.


VIA has all kinds of boards ready for mini desktops and NAS.

現場看到使用VIA Nano的裸機,廠商是用X戰警:最終戰役作示範,看來跑得動Full HD影片喔!

This VIA Nano setup is capable of playing Full HD movies. VIA is demon-ing with X-men: The Last Stand on this computer.



The E-Lead 460 Mini-Note's keyboard can double as a touch pad. We'll put up a movie clip later.