Computex 2008:小筆電大轟炸之 Mitac Rivendell

Mitac 的 Rivendell 就像憑空冒出來的一樣,之前毫無消息。這台 8.9" 輕省筆電最大的特色,就是除了內建 4~20GB 的 SSD 之外還預留了空間可以放一顆 1.8" 的 HDD。上頭的 Webcam 是 1.3 mp 的。

Rivendell 預計八月底~九月初先在歐洲上市,台灣和世界各地都還要再等等。預計售價在 399~499 美元之間。

<Computex 2008: More Ultra-Portables – Mitac Rivendell>
This never-heard-of Mitac Rivendell just appeared out of nowhere. This 8.9" ultra-portable packed one interesting feature – apart from the built-in 4~20GB SSD, it also have space reserved for one additional 1.8" HDD. The webcam featured above the screen is 1.3 MegaPixels.

Rivendell is scheduled to be available sometime between August and September in European market. Taiwan and other world market have to wait a little longer. Price is expected to be somewhere around USD399 to USD499.