Computex 2008:驚!Gigabyte M912 跑 Vista!?

我們運氣還不錯,技嘉在我們還沒離開南港時就向 Intel 拗到可以開機我們看,結果打開後是什麼?Vista!據技嘉的人說明,會決定採用 Vista 是因為 M912 採用了觸控式的面版,而和 Win XP Tablet PC 版相較,Vista 比較符合經濟效益。這也是我們看到的第一台跑 Vista 的 Atom 輕省筆電,嚴格來說跑起來比想像中順一些,但不知道對電池有什麼樣的影響(這要拿回來測才能確定)

另外,M912 的轉軸只能順時針轉,不能逆時針轉。出現在先前照片上的那台是「原型機」,之後再出的機器都只能轉單向了。這篇只是趕一些比較急的新資訊出來,後面還會有一篇比較完整的。敬請期待~

<Computex 2008: What? GIGABYTE M912 Runs Vista?>

After some 'negotiation' by the GIGBYTE representative, INTEL agreed to boot the machine. According to GIGABYTE representatives, the choice is largely due to the fact that M912 uses a touchscreen panel, and in comparison, Vista is a more cost-effective choice than Win XP Tablet PC edition. This is the first Atom-based ultra-portable we see that runs Vista, and it appear to be running smoother than expected, though impact on battery life is yet to be determined.

Some now-known-facts here:

lThe bi-directional hinge featured in earlier reports is for prototype model only. The screen hinge of the production model will only turn clock-wise direction.

lVista Experience index is 2.7 (it is unclear whether the machine completed the full test or not)

lOfficial figure on battery life is 4 hours on a 4-cell battery.

lAlternative OS choice will be Ubuntu Linux.

Stay tuned for more details as they come in.

Vista Experience index 寫 2.7 但沒跑完。

不過公平的說,直接看 Vista 給的電池數據並不公平就是了(那時開機還沒完成)。官方數據是說 4-cell,四小時。

Vista 之外的另一選擇,是 Ubuntu Linux。