Computex 2008:小筆電大轟炸之 Gigabyte M724

幾分鐘前還身份不明的神祕筆電現在已經身份大白了,原來是 7" 螢幕,代號 M724 的技嘉輕省筆電。M724 和 M912 似乎是共用相同的機身,只是螢幕真的小很多而已。預計搭載 Windowx XP Tablet PC 版或 Ubuntu Linux,並在六月底上市,售價「15000 起」,不過九成是指 Linux 版吧...

UPDATE:M724 實際上不會出現在一般通路上,它是專為學校/政府機關等大量買主做的版本,所以大家可以不用擔心被數位相框級的 M724 能不能見人了。不過話說回來,那先前聽到的 「15000 起」售價,不會指的是 Linux 版的 M912 吧?(口水直流中)

<Computex 2008: More Ultra-Portables – GIGABYTE M724>
This M724 seem to be sharing the same chassis as GIGABYTE M912, except with a much smaller 7" display. M724 is expected to be available sometime around end of June with Windows XP Tablet PC edition or Ubuntu Linux as OS options. Price start from NT$15000 (USD 495).

M724 will not be available to general consumer market; it's specifically catered for education / government market only.