Computex 2008:華碩Eee PC 901 / 1000機型發表(03):鍵盤與補遺

筆者特別留下來試試Eee PC 901 / 1000 鍵盤手感,我想,在了解規格、售價的部分之後,大概也只有鍵盤的部分,可能算是個問題。

在現場筆者玩的感覺,鍵帽下壓到底時,在一開始以及最後,有較明顯的阻力,中間的感受比較空一些。因個人比較喜歡軟一些,中間有比較充實感受的鍵盤,所以對個人來說,在感受上還好。不過像以這種定位的產品來說,手感其實不要太誇張就好,更何況,也沒有像HP 2133特別加塗佈,其實就很好用了。反而是所佔比例比較重要,這次1000也是號稱漂準尺寸的92%,這樣說起來,應該是與HP 2133差不多大。不過,論配置,還是比較喜歡2133就是了。

<Official launch of the Eee PC 901/ 1000 (03)>

We stayed behind after the press conference to spend more time with the Eee PC 901/1000, paying particular attention to their keyboards. We think that the smaller keyboard size is perhaps the last thing that's holding most people back from buying an ultra-portable notebook.

Our first impression was that in one key stroke, there seem to be more resistance at the beginning and the end of the stroke. I personally prefer a softer touch, but it still feels ok to me. But honestly, you can't expect this keyboard to give you the same touch as a full-sized one. Besides, the surface of the keys didn't get the same special treatments as the ones on the HP 2133. The size is more important here, and Asus does claim that the keyboard on the 1000 to be 92% full size, which is pretty much the same as the HP 2133. Nonetheless, we still prefer the HP 2133 for its better key arrangement.