COMPUTEX 2007:MSI 視訊產品

雖然我們已經帶大家去 MSI 微星科技逛過一圈,不過愛癮科技的內行玩家們一定都知道,往往某些飯店內的小房間才是重點所在。如上圖這款 Wireless PC to TV 產品,讓使用筆記型電腦或桌上型電腦的朋友,可以即刻透過 WiFi的方式串流影片到電腦上,目前該款產品透過 802.11g 速率傳輸,最高可達 720p 的解析度畫質。嗯...有 Apple TV 的味道吧,希望未來能推出 802.11n 傳輸標準的產品。擊點全看其他視訊相關產品:

"Wirelessly stream video from PC to TV". Sounds a lot like the Apple TV, eh? But in fact this little black box from MSI does a bit less. All it streams via 802.11g or LAN to your TV is the current screen on your PC or laptop -- think of it as a wireless VGA port -- though it does has the capability of streaming 720p. While you may not have the control as you would with Apple TV (You'll have to walk to your PC to play, pause, stop, etc.), it does look like a cheap alternative that does roughly the same thing.

VDP BOX 是個更有趣的小玩意,和上面產品一樣都是用來串流音樂和影像,只是無線媒介改為藍芽(v2.0+ EDR),微星人員建議以串流音樂為主,但串流影像還是有可能的。另外 VDP 可以外插 SD/MMC 記憶卡,聲音和影像輸出介面需要在外接其他介面。

The VDP Box is even more interesting. Like the above product, it streams music and video, but via bluetooth 2.0+EDR. MSI suggested that while video is possible, it may not work as well as WiFi a few meters away from the source.

iPhone 都要瘋王建民了,還有什麼不能跟建仔扯上邊呢?這款產品就是一款造型相當簡單的數位電視接收器,在 4.2 吋螢幕下可看 5 小時的數位電視,在時速 120 km/hr 以下都能順利收視,還能外插 SD/MMC 記憶卡享受 MPEG4 影片、音樂和照片。其實這都沒什麼對不對,確實是,而且這也是去年就推出的產品,最厲害的地方其實是價格,該款產品去年特賣的時候只要新台幣 4,999 元,不到 5,000 元就可隨時守護建仔,果然相當划算~