COMPUTEX 2007:MSI Luxium 筆電外接顯卡

不讓華碩專美於前,MSI 也推出了自已的筆電外接式顯卡 Luxium。Luxium 的運作原理和 XG Station 一樣,都是通過 ExpressCard 插槽的 PCIe x1 和筆電連結,並將加速後的影像輸出到外接的螢幕上。MSI 的外殼比較大,差不多是一台噴墨印表機的大小,不過感覺起來內部空間比較大的 Luxium 可能在未來會比 XG Station 更容易接納各種品牌的顯卡。除了顯卡之外,Luxium 還有兩個 USB port 和 一個網路插孔,並且內建了音效卡,除了 7.1 聲道輸出外,還提供了 SPDIF IN/OUT 和光纖輸入等,算是非常多功能的裝置。

顯然地 MSI 瞄準的是和 Asus 一樣的市場:出門是小巧的筆電,回家插上 Luxium 就變成完整的遊戲平台。目前微星也只打算將 Luxium 搭配自家的特定型號顯卡上市(主要是散熱的考量),但還不知道會是什麼時候,或售價大約是多少。

Not to let Asus have all the fun, MSI introduced their version of an external notebook video card. It works in pretty much the same manner as the ASUS XG Station -- connecting to your notebook via the ExpressCard port and outputing video to an external screen -- but in a bigger, more boxy form that somewhat resembles an inkjet printer. It maybe a bit large, but MSI representatives say that this allows for better ventilation, and would allow for easier installation of custom video cards in the future. In addition to being an external video adapter, Luxium also has a LAN port, 2 usb ports, and a 7.1 channel sound card built in, allowing for more versatile use of the system. No price or date is set, but we do know that it would hit the market as a Luxium-MSI video card package first, "due to heat dissipation concerns".