COMPUTEX 2007 動手玩:EB 的 Menlow MID UMPC

在 Intel 的展示會場上,芬蘭公司 EB 帶了四台完全可以運作的 MID 樣機來給大家玩一玩。不過 EB 只是提出了一個參考設計證明自已有這個實力,並不打算真的生產這台機器(它連個名字都沒有 XD)。他們的角色是在有製造商有興趣時,提供顧問服務而已,因此這台機器恐怕未來就算真的上市,也大概不會是現在這個樣子。

規格上,這台小機器採用的是 4.8" 的 1024x600 螢幕,採用紅旗 Linux,除了有 WiFi、BT 和 GPS 之外,視機種還可以內建 WiMax 或 HSDPA WWAN 網路。跳轉後還有這台小東西播影片和看圖片的影片喔~

On the Intel MID press event, a couple of EB's new MID showed up, and the EB people were kind enough to let us snap a few shots of it. Since EB has no intentions of bringing it to market, it is only a "reference design" to prove that EB has the technology, and they wish to assist any interested manufacturer of similar products only as a consultant. A few more specs to round things up: The resolution of the screen is 1024x600, the OS is Red Flag Linux, and it has a 3.5mm headphone port.

Video of its "gesture controlled slidshow" and movie player after the break.

MID 播放影片 / MID video play

用觸控筆看圖 / Viewing slideshows through pen gestures.