COMPUTEX 2007:MSI 微星科技

MSI 微星科技此次以『Ready For PC2008』做為主軸,展示全面支援Vista作業系統、Direct 10、Intel的45um CPU、Intel 3系列晶片組、Nvidia 8系列顯示晶片,以及HDMI介面的相關產品。並且,在現場設置了「Ready for PC2008」的體驗區,讓參觀的來賓能夠直接觀賞到最新個人電腦規格。另外,像是全新的P35系列主機板、新世代遊戲筆電GX600、兼具商務和休閒的筆電PR200,還有種類多樣化的多媒體產品,在此次的Computex展裡,亳無保留一次讓參觀的來賓看個夠。

MSI centers its exhibition on the slogan "Ready For PC2008", displaying a full variety of products sporting Intel 3 series chipsets and Nvidia 8 series graphics chips. MSI also showcased many notebook products, including the GX600 for gamers, and PR200 for business.