COMPUTEX 2007:Apacer 宇瞻科技

Apacer宇瞻科技在這次在Computex發表了多樣的記憶體相關產品,其中讓小編最有印象的是以皮革戒圈搭配的AH124隨身碟,本身可以連結鑰匙圈和手機,變成一個時尚的配件產品,並且可讓隨身碟免於碰撞或是掉落的危險。另外,還有首創可180度旋轉的Handy Steno AH421,可以隨使用者的意思調整角度,並支援Vista作業系統,最大容量至4GB。整體來看,Apacer走向比較實用的層面,而且價格上也比較親近些...除此之外,Apacer還找了兩位金髮碧眼的辣妹前來助陣,引起了不少的「攝影愛好者」的圍觀;當中還有些疑似怪叔叔的參觀者出現在其中,這次出現的是怪阿伯喲~XD。

Apacer, another major flash drive manufacturer, showcased quite a few products at Computex as well. One interesting design is the Handy Steno AH421, a flash drive with it's head swung to the side and mounted on a turntable, allowing more freedom in how it is used. The AH124 is another interesting example, a tiny flash drive secured into a leather pouch to protect it from bumps and scratches.